cosuri rachita

Contact: 0723 548 684

Shelves for storage

We make available for you willow shelves for storage in a form of stand with more horizontal plates circled by high boarders which are fixed on a vertical structure. The wattling way that we use for manufacturing ensures the stability for shelves that are easy to elevate and to carry.
The willow shelves for storage are excellent when you want a special form of presentation of the merchandised products and also for domestic use. They can be used for storing the bakery products, the jars with comfiture, pickles, vegetables or fruits and even some food or sold products or exhibits at fairs. The vertical plates can directly support the products or willow trays can be placed on them.
These shelves of wattled sterns, which are for storage, are excellent for bread and merchandise which need good ventilation. The way of wattling and the measures can be discussed with you when you order. Please contact us by phone or by email!